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We've found 59 resources matching your search.

Showing 21-40 of 59 resources
Fact Sheet: Blue Swimmer Crab

This fact sheet provides information about blue swimmer crabs, a tropical crustacean species found in Western Australia mainly between Karratha and Dunsborough. Also known as a blue manna crab, it is an important recreational and commercial fishing species.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Abalone

Abalone are a family of reef-dwelling marine snails which are the target in Western Australia of a lucrative export commercial fishery and one of the world's shortest recreational fishing seasons.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Freshwater Crayfish Identification

Freshwater crayfish are an important part of ecosystems in south-west rivers and dams and are also one of Western Australia's great delicacies.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Pink Snapper

Pink snapper are one of Western Australia's best-known and most sought-after fish. This fact sheet provides information on the widely distributed Pink snapper (Pagrus auratus) and their biology.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Sharks

Of the 370-plus shark species in the world, more than 100 species live in Western Australian waters. This fact sheet provides general information about the biology of sharks, protected species and their vulnerability to overfishing.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Tailor

Tailor are one of the most popular recreational fishing species along the west coast of Western Australia. Learn more about what fisheries' scientists know of tailor from more than 15 years worth of data collection on this species.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Dhufish

A fact sheet providing information on Western Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebracium), a fish species endemic to the southern part of Western Australia. Its great size and superb eating qualities make this fish a Western Australian fishing icon.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Western Rock Lobster

Colourful and protected by a strong carapace, the western rock lobster is one of the family of 'spiny' lobsters - and the target of WA's largest and most valuable fishery. This fact sheet explores the basic biology of the western rock lobster.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Blackspot tuskfish

Found across tropical Australia, Blackspot tuskfish are a hard fighting and highly prized table fish, popular with recreational fishers as they can be caught close to shore.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Barramundi

Barramundi are a highly opportunistic, dominant fish species in many tropical rivers. Delicious to eat and thrilling to catch, they live in both freshwater and saltwater and eat just about anything.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Estuary Cod

Found in the tropical and warm temperate marine waters of the Indo-Pacific, many estuary cod are caught accidentally by anglers seeking mangrove jack and barramundi in creeks, or emperors over inshore reefs.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Lesson: Life of a Lobster

Students will gain an understanding of the Western rock lobster life cycle.

Resource type: LessonLast updated: 23.03.2022

Fact Sheet: How does aquaculture work?

Aquaculture may be conducted in coastal ocean waters, freshwater ponds and rivers, and even on land in tanks. Operators range from ‘hobby farmers’ to large, international corporations. It can be categorised according to the type of aquatic environment (eg. fresh, brackish or marine water), the type of production system used (eg. pond, cage, pen, raft, etc.), the level of intensity (extensive, intensive) or the type of organism cultured (eg. fish, crustaceans, molluscs etc.).

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 21.04.2021

Fun Fact Sheet: Flounder

Typically found in estuaries and coastal waters off Western Australia, flounder have an interesting life history.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 21.09.2020

Fact Sheet: Mangroves

Mangrove forests are one of Australia's most geographically widespread ecosystems. They provide a crucial role in the protection of Australia's coastline as well as being vital for the biological health and productivity of Australia's coastal waters.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 26.05.2020

Fact Sheet: Camden Sound

A favourite stopover for cruise vessels on the Kimberley coast. Camden Sound is a labyrinth of red cliffs and mangrove lined bays and inlets, dotted with small islands and rocky outcrops.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 08.05.2020

Fun Fact Sheet: Australian Herring

Owing to similarities in shape, adult herring can easily be confused with juvenile Australian salmon.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 06.05.2020

Fun Fact Sheet: Dhufish

Dhufish are endemic to Western Australia, meaning they are found no where else in the world.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 30.04.2020

Fun Fact Sheet: Humpback Whale

Humpback whales are found in all the world’s major oceans. 

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 30.04.2020

Fun Fact Sheet: Cuttlefish

With eight arms, three hearts and blue blood, cuttlefish could easily be mistaken for something from outer space.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 29.04.2020

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