Marine Waters has been developed by the Community Education team at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to provide educators, students and members of the community resources to facilitate their understanding of the unique marine environment of Western Australia. Resources are tailored to Western Australia’s aquatic regions.
Resources are linked to the Western Australian Curriculum for educators, and include lessons, posters, PowerPoint presentations, student worksheets, teacher resources sheets and more. The data collection activities (accessed via creating a profile) provides teachers with the tools to conduct field work activities with their classes, obtain data from similar activities conducted in other locations around the state and share their data with other classes.
In addition, resources have been written specifically for students, including the fun fact sheets, posters and the fishy fun activity sheets. Secondary students will find the fact sheet series useful to assist in their studies of the marine environment.
The marine environment is a way of life for so many Western Australians, and with this in mind, resources have also been developed for members of the community to enhance their appreciation of the marine environment. These include posters, fact sheets and videos, however community groups can also participation the data collection activities.
Registration to Marine Waters is not essential, however does give you access to more resources (Fieldwork activities) and features (creating and sharing lists of resources).