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Showing 61-80 of 480 resources
Lesson: Fishing for abalone

In this lesson, students will consider the impact of overfishing and investigate the recreational abalone fishing rules.

Resource type: LessonLast updated: 22.06.2022

Lesson: Blueback

Students will study the Western blue groper in detail and compare the difference between the fiction text 'Blueback' and their written informative text in terms of structure and language.

Resource type: LessonLast updated: 22.06.2022

Student worksheet: Fishbone graphic organiser

This student worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Blueback.

Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 22.06.2022

Student resource sheet: Exposition example

This student resource sheet is associated with the Lessons: Exposition and Debate.

Resource type: Student Resource SheetLast updated: 16.06.2022

Student worksheet: Abalone fishing rules

This worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Fishing for abalone

Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 16.06.2022

Student worksheet: Exposition template

This student worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Debate.

Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 15.06.2022

Student worksheet: Exposition planner

This student worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Exposition.

Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Poster: Demersal Scalefish

There are over 3,000 species of bony fish that have been recorded in Western Australia. Of these, the most highly sought after by recreational and commercial fishers are the demersal scalefish - fish that live on or near the sea floor.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Manta Ray – Colour In

Colour me in. Manta rays are the largest rays and can reach immense sizes of 3 - 7 metres from wing tip to wing tip.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Sawfish – Colour In

Colour me in. Sawfish are a PROTECTED SPECIES in Western Australia. If you catch one you must return it to the water as quickly and carefully as possible.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Sergeants and Seahorse – Colour In

Colour me in.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Underwater Scene with Child – Colour In

Colour me in. Explore the ocean... how many species can you find?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Dolphin – Dot-to-Dot

Dot-to-dot. What is jumping up over the waves?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Octopus – Dot-to-Dot

Dot-to-dot. Join the dots to find out how many legs I have.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Sea Lion – Dot-to-Dot

Dot-to-dot. As a male I am called a bull, as a female I am called a cow, as a baby I am called a pup - what am I?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Tingly Tentacles – Word-fill

Complete the word-fill using the words provided.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fun Fact Sheet: Australian Sea Lion

The Australian sea lion is only found in Western Australia and South Australia and in the rarest sea lion species in the world.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fun Fact Sheet: Christmas Island Red Crab

This red crab is a terrestrial (land) species of crab found almost exclusively on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fun Fact Sheet: Asian Paddle Crab

The Asian paddle crab, also know as the Lady Crab, is an introduced crab that usually lives in the waters off South East Asia.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fun Fact Sheet: Golden Ghost Crab

Have you ever seen holes on the beach that look as though they have been made by someone poking an umbrella in the sand? You may actually have been looking at the burrow of a golden ghost crab.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

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