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This teacher resource sheet is associated with the Lessons: Fish Dissection and Fish Dissection - Senior Secondary.
Resource type: Teacher Resource SheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
This worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Fish Dissection - Senior Secondary
Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
This teacher resource sheet is associated with the Lessons: Fish Dissection and Fish Dissection - Senior Secondary.
Resource type: Teacher Resource SheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
Chordata is one of the better-known phyla in the animal kingdom, as it includes humans! This fact sheet explains the common characteristics of all chordates, as well as the main groups of chordates you are likely to find in aquatic environments across Western Australia.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
Bryozoans are a diverse group of animals which boast several unique marine species. This fact sheet describes the characteristics and the three groups of bryozoans.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
Algae are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that are the foundation of almost all marine food chains. This fact sheet briefly outlines the three main groups of algae (green, red, and brown algae) and describes how algae differs from plants. Check out the related resources below for further information.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
Cnidarians are a diverse group of animals that all share a key feature: the presence of ‘nematocysts’, or stinging cells. This fact sheet describes the main characteristics and four classes of Cnidarians.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 14.12.2022
In this activity, students explore the wonderful range of organisms washed up on Perth’s beaches.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
Explore Hillarys Beach and discover the wonderful range of organisms washed up on Perth beaches.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
In this interactive activity, students will try their hand at our simulated fishing activity and observe the effects of fishing pressure on our fish stocks.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
In this fish dissection activity, students learn why dissection is an important tool in fisheries science and what information scientists gain from dissecting fish. Students will conduct a fish dissection to examine and identify the internal anatomy of a bony fish, as well as learn how these features enable the fish to survive.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
In this activity, students will learn the role ageing fish plays in the sustainable management of fish populations. Students will learn how and why fisheries scientists age fish, then try their hand at ageing prepared microscope slides of sectioned fish otoliths.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
This interactive activity gives students an overview of some of the fisheries management tools the Department applies to recreational fishing activity to sustainably manage our aquatic resources.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
This introductory session asks students to reflect on their relationship with the marine environment and describes the role the Department plays in managing Western Australia’s aquatic resources and environments.
Resource type: School ExcursionLast updated: 14.12.2022
Classification is the organising or sorting of organisms into groups according to their characteristics. This poster shows the classification of common marine animals found across Western Australia.
Resource type: PosterLast updated: 07.12.2022
Classification is the organising or sorting of organisms into groups according to their characteristics.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 07.12.2022
Students will investigate the characteristics of fish.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 07.12.2022
Students will investigate the features of fish.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 07.12.2022
Students will investigate the external characteristics of fish.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 07.12.2022
Students will use a simple dichotomous key to identify various species of fish.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 07.12.2022
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