30 - 45 minutesStudents will investigate the external characteristics of fish.
Background information about fish anatomy can be found in the Fact Sheet: Fish Anatomy.
Each student will require a copy of Student Worksheet: What’s a Fish? (1)
You will require a simple informative book about finfish. Some suggested texts may be found in the Recommended Resources section.
You will require a stack of Post-it notes if you choose to complete the Post-it note fish activity at the end of this lesson.
Western Australian curriculum
Science | Science understanding | Biological sciences | ACSSU017 |
English | Language | Expressing and developing ideas | ACELA1453, ACELA1454 |
English | Language | Text structure and organisation | ACELA1447 |
English | Literacy | Interacting with others | ACELY1788, ACELY1656 |
- Share one of the books from the Recommended Resources (below) with your class.
- Engage students in a discussion about what features made a fish a fish. Collate ideas on a (white/black/smart) board.
- Distribute STUDENT WORKSHEET – What’s a Fish (1). Students will fill in their worksheet with the features that they determined make a fish.
- (optional) Post-it note fish – As an alternative to completing STUDENT WORKSHEET – What’s a Fish (1), hand out Post-it notes and ask students to write one feature about fish on their note. Collate all of the notes on a sheet of card into the shape of a fish (the Post-it notes should be placed such that they all open the same way – these represent the fishes scales). You can draw a fish outline around the Post-it notes, giving the fish its fishy features, and a habitat.
Recommended Resources
Howell, I. 2015 Fact Cat: Fish, Wayland, Great Britain.
Johnson, R. 2017 First Facts: Fish, Steve Parish Publishing, Queensland.
Pfeffer, W. 2015 What’s it like to be a Fish? HarperCollins Publishers, New York.
Additional resources
Parish, S. 2008 Amazing Facts about Australian Marine Fishes. Steve Parish Publishing, Queensland.
Poster: Bony fish – external anatomy
SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, Bony Fishes, https://seaworld.org/en/animal-info/animal-infobooks/bony-fish