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We've found 287 resources matching your search.

Showing 41-60 of 287 resources
Fishy Fun Sheet: Clownfish – Dot-to-Dot

Dot-to-dot. This fish has a special relationship with a sea anemone.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Seahorse – Dot-to-Dot

Dot-to-dot. Discover the creature hidden amongst the seagrass.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Fish out of Water – Maze

Can you help the flying fish fly through the maze and avoid predators?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Pearl Oyster – Maze

The WA pearl oyster fishery is the only remaining significant wild-stock fishery for pearl oysters in the world. Can you help the diver find the pearl oyster beds?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fun Fact Sheet: Eels

Although snake-like in appearance, eels are not actually related to snakes or the reptile family at all.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Seahorse – Colour by Numbers

Colour by numbers. Colour in the image by matching the number with the colour code. What is hiding in the sea?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Seahorse Pair – Colour In

Colour me in. The two eyes of a seahorse are able to move independently of each other.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Coral Fish – Dot-to-Dot

Dot-to-dot. What is swimming in the sea?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fun Fact Sheet: Lionfish

I am brightly coloured and have a pattern of zebra-like stripes over my body. These stripes are usually white and either red, maroon or brown.

Resource type: Fun Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Whale Shark – Colour In

Did you know that whale sharks (despite their name) aren't marine mammals like whales? They are in fact sharks, being in the same class as fish and their massive size makes them the largest fish in the world!

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Sandbar Shark – Colour In

WA's shark fisheries are strictly managed and are mainly fished for their meat for sale in fish and chip shops.

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fishy Fun Sheet: Dot-to-Dot: Whaleshark

I am the world's largest fish and can grow to around 18 metres, what am I?

Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Sawfish

The unusual-looking sawfish family are a type of ray and are therefore related to sharks . Found in both marine and freshwater, these predatory fish derive their name from their long snouts lines with sharp points. An identification and general information guide on Sawfish.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Mud Crab

Mud crabs are prized by recreational fishers for their impressive size and delicious taste.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Potato Cod

The captivating potato cod is truly a giant of the fish kingdom. Its massive size and homebody nature draws divers who are looking for a story to tell about their underwater adventure.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Whale Shark

Despite their huge size, whale sharks are docile, filter feeders that cruise the world's oceans looking for plankton.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Baldchin Groper

This fact sheet covers information on the biology and ecology of the Baldchin groper.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Australian Humpback Dolphin

In 2014 the Australian humpback dolphin was recognised as a separate species to the Indo-Pacific humpback.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Hawksbill Turtle

Hawksbill turtles are known to nest and feed at the Rowley Shoals which provides an oceanic refuge for these world travelers.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

Fact Sheet: Australian Herring

Australian herring are a popular species with a lifecycle dependent on prevailing currents.

Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 09.06.2022

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