
45 minutes

Students will investigate the characteristics of limestone.


In this lesson, students will investigate the characteristics of limestone. It may be used as a standalone lesson, or follow on from the Lesson: Introduction to the Intertidal.

Choose whether to complete the investigation as a whole class, or in small groups.

As part of the investigation, students will be required to hit one of the pieces of limestone with a hammer. Ensure you have a suitable outdoor space to complete this part of the activity. Students should wear protective footwear and eyewear.

Students will each require a copy of Student Worksheet: Learning Limestone.


Equipment required (per group):

  • 4 pieces of limestone – try your science equipment supplier or local garden or brick supplier to obtain limestone pieces. As a rough guide, source pieces approximately the size of a small coffee cup.
  • a hammer
  • safety gasses (for each student)
  • 2 containers (each one large enough to fit one piece of limestone submerged in a liquid in)
  • vinegar (enough to cover a piece of limestone in one of the above mentioned containers)
  • water (enough to cover a piece of limestone in one of the above mentioned containers)
  • a piece of coarse sandpaper


  1. Divide students into small groups. Provide each group with investigation materials, and each student with a copy of Student Worksheet: Learning Limestone.
  2. Ask students to read through each ‘test’ and predict what will occur in each.
  3. Allow time for students to complete each investigation and make their observations.
  4. Engage students in a class discussion about the tests conducted and the observations made. How did their observations compare with their predictions?


limestone, intertidal zone, substrate, investigation, acid