We've found 162 resources matching your search.
This presentation is associated with the Lesson: Counting rings
Resource type: PresentationLast updated: 30.07.2021
Resource type: VideoLast updated: 11.05.2021
Students will attempt to build a plankton model that has neutral buoyancy.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 11.05.2021
Students will gain an understanding of the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing to the community, and learn how to apply sustainable behaviours and attitudes when fishing and caring for the marine environment.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 10.05.2021
This worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Fish Dissection
Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 13.04.2021
Fishes are a large and varied group of aquatic animal, superbly designed for underwater life. Bony fish represent the largest and most diverse class of fishes, with well over 20,000 species. This interactive poster explores the external anatomy of a bony fish.
Resource type: PosterLast updated: 13.04.2021
Resource type: VideoLast updated: 21.09.2020
Resource type: VideoLast updated: 21.09.2020
Resource type: VideoLast updated: 21.09.2020
Resource type: UnitLast updated: 15.06.2020
Reefs provide a foundation for many plants and animals, supporting a great diversity of marine organisms that rely on the reef for food, protection, shelter and somewhere to reproduce. Reefs create a natural buffer to strong winds and waves that would otherwise erode the coastline.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 26.05.2020
This presentation is associated with the Lesson: How fish live.
Resource type: PresentationLast updated: 26.04.2020
This Student Worksheet is associated with the Lesson: How fish live
Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 15.04.2020
This Student Worksheet is associated with the Lesson: The Plankton Challenge
Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 15.04.2020
Students will discuss features that determine a fish and classify a range of marine organisms.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 14.04.2020
Students will design a habitat diorama based on a limestone reef, seagrass meadow, mangrove forest or coral reef.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 08.04.2020
Students will demonstrate that species or populations display a habitat preference and the available habitat will influence abundance.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 08.04.2020
Students will classify a range of marine organisms to determine whether they are fish or not.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 03.04.2020
This presentation is associated with the Lesson: Save our seagrass
Resource type: PresentationLast updated: 02.04.2020
This Teacher Resource Sheet is associated with the Lesson: Is it really a fish? (Year 3)
Resource type: Teacher Resource SheetLast updated: 01.04.2020
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