We've found 9 resources matching your search.
Mangrove forests are one of Australia's most geographically widespread ecosystems. They provide a crucial role in the protection of Australia's coastline as well as being vital for the biological health and productivity of Australia's coastal waters.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 26.05.2020
The East Kimberley is home to the impressive Ord River, a 650 kilometre long watercourse with an expansive catchment area of around 55,100 square kilometres.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 12.05.2020
Cruising along the coast, it can be difficult to fathom the true scale of the Kimberley, with thousands of islands, inlets, bays, rivers and creeks. It is not until you enter the huge bay of Prince Frederick Harbour that you are given a real appreciation for the dimensions of the Kimberley coast.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 12.05.2020
This Teacher Resource Sheet is associated with the Lesson: A mangrove ecosystem
Resource type: Teacher Resource SheetLast updated: 12.12.2019
This Teacher Resource Sheet is associated with the Lesson: A mangrove ecosystem
Resource type: Teacher Resource SheetLast updated: 12.12.2019
This Teacher Resource Sheet is associated with the Lesson: A mangrove ecosystem
Resource type: Teacher Resource SheetLast updated: 12.12.2019
This Student Worksheet is associated with the Lesson: Mangrove creature feature
Resource type: Student WorksheetLast updated: 11.12.2019
The Mysteries of Mangroves. Unscramble each of the clue words. Then copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number to reveal the message.
Resource type: Fishy Fun SheetLast updated: 07.06.2019
Where the forest meets the ocean. Mangroves are land plants that are able to live in saltwater. Find out more about these specialised plants.
Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019
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