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We've found 46 resources matching your search.

Showing 41-46 of 46 resources
Poster: Echinoderms: Spiny-skinned creatures from the ocean

Spiny-skinned creatures from the ocean. With echino meaning spiny and derm meaning skin - 'echinoderms' have to be spiny-skinned animals.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019

Poster: Sponges

Ancient, colourful and full of holes! Not only for use in the bath.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019

Poster: Molluscs

Soft bodies, hard shells. Molluscs, one of the largest groups in the animal kingdom, have soft bodies and generally have a hard shell for protection - so they are often called 'shellfish'.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019

Poster: Crustaceans

These animals are covered with a protective outer shell so are names crustacean, meaning 'hard-shelled'. Crustaceans belong to the group of animals called arthropods, meaning 'joint-legged'.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019

Poster: Fish Fiziks

Why do dead fish float? how do fish that live on the bottom stay there and not float to the surface? How do fish move around in the water? These are all serious questions about fish survival and the ancient science of physics.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019

Poster: Cnidarians

The name cnidarians comes from the greek word 'cnidos', meaning stinging nettle. A key feature of these animals is the presence of 'nematocysts' or stinging cells, found mainly in the tentacles.

Resource type: PosterLast updated: 06.06.2019

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