We've found 4 resources matching your search.
A population is the number of animals inhabiting a specific area. To manage the marine environment effectively, marine managers need to know the size and composition of animal populations.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 07.04.2022
Students will attempt to build a plankton model that has neutral buoyancy.
Resource type: LessonLast updated: 11.05.2021
Resource type: VideoLast updated: 21.09.2020
Seagrasses support highly productive and diverse ecosystems. These specialised marine plants are vitally important in the coastal environment because they are a source of food and shelter, oxygenate water, trap sand and recycle nutrients; and provide breeding habitats and nursery areas for many marine organisms.
Resource type: Fact SheetLast updated: 17.10.2019
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